About ascending
the Temple Mount by Jews
True Torah Jews (2016)
Upon request by the Jerusalem chief rabbi and his
rabbinical court, a major ad campaign will commence in Arabic media stating the
prohibition for Jews to ascend the Temple Mount, and to emphasize the
wholehearted intention of True Torah Jews to live in peace with all!
Since a majority of the latest violence has been in
regard to the Temple Mount, the Jerusalem
rabbis feel that clarifying the prohibition on ascending the Mount, and the wish
to live in peace, should - with G-Ds help - hopefully calm the situation.
2 other interesting comments from an honest Jew
Binyomin Sherber Everyone
knows that the only thing that will calm the situation is the dismantlement of
the Zionist State, not merely the issue of the Al Aqsa. Besides, by asserting
that a certain segment of the population are not involved in the Al Aqsas
provocations would suggest that OTHER segments of the Jewish population are the
real "bad guys" who DO approve of going up to the Al Aqsa, and this
would give a misimpression that the rabbis suggest the uprising target other
Jews instead of the black hat ones. And since the article in the Al Quds
newspaper does not include the signatures of the rabbis involved, there is no
way of knowing who authorized it and whether Palestinians are expected to
distinguish between Agudist Jews and Eyda Charedis Jews, or whether the article
speaks on behalf of both segments. Plus if the article condemns settlers, the
Palestinians already know that major settlements include "ultra-Orthodox"
Jews who do not go to Al Aqsa, so what happens then? Especially since this
implies that the Eyda Charedis recognizes the idea of a two state solution
Binyomin Sherber There will
never be a calming of the situation as long as there is a Zionist state that
continues to oppress, steal, expel, dehumanize and mistreat millions of
Palestinians, including millions of refugees who are denied the right to return
to their homeland of Palestine.
Below: see attached that the notorious
article of a Zionist newspaper which is addressed to Arabs.
Whoever wrote this has decided that
"Haredi" Jews are valuable...meaning that the rest of the Jews are
hefker...this is absolute kefira... ["nachnu al-harediin......"]
Another interesting comment
from MYZ
To say that Chareidim are not Zionists is the NKI/Natruna nonsense. It
isnt true that these Haredim are non-Zionists or anti-Zionists. Who are
reading Mishpacha, if not Chareidi Zionists? Moreover:
1- These Haredim are as much Zionists as the Zionists they are accusing
2- These Haredim who published the article do not claim to be
non-Zionists, just that contrary to the non-Haredi Zionists, they dont ascend
the Har HaBayis. According to them, the intifada of knives we are seeing now
was caused by Jews ascending the Har HaBayis. So, they believe because Charedim
dont ascend the Har HaBayis, the Arabs shouldn't stab them, which is complete
nonsense, because ascending the Har HaBayis isnt the only issue and because
Haredim, as any other Zionists, are contributing to the colonization of
Palestine. So, why shouldnt they be attack by the Arabs? Which right do they
have for asking such thing, seeing that they are as much Zionists as any other
3- To claim that Chareidim dont ascend the Har HaBayis is a complete
lie. Who are the guys on the Har HaBayis? They are Haredim!
פרומער ציוני צייטונג בעט זיך ביי די אראבער
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