zondag 16 januari 2022

Misnomer ‘Zionism’ – ‘Zionismus’ eine Fehlbezeichnung

 Uriel Zimmer


“ ‘Zionism’, of course, is merely a name given to that movement – incidentally, several years after its foundation. (Another  curious coincidence is that the man who coined the term, Dr. Nathan Birnbaum, later left the Zionist movement and became one of the most embittered opponents on the orthodox side.) This cleverly chosen name contributed largely towards the spread of the movement among the masses of simple Jews as well as towards the increase of confusion which persist until this very day – as we shall later explain. For the moment, it is enough to emphasize that, every reasonable person will understand, there is nothing in a name; a name means noting and testifies to nothing.  Some of the saddest people are called ‘Simcha’ or ‘Joy’, and some of the most quarrelsome are  called ‘Shalom’ or Frederic. A name is merely coincidental. Those who decided to adopt the name of ‘Zionism’ for their movement, might just as easily have preferred to be called ‘Neturei Karta’ (Guardians  of the City – meaning, of course, the Holy City) ; and, in that case,  those  who are now known under the name of ‘Neturei Karta’, might just as well – and perhaps with more justification – have called themselves ‘Zionists’ (all the more so since they were practically all born and reared between the walls of Zion). Even under those hypothetical circumstances, the names would have meant neither more nor less than they mean today. The essence of Zionism, as has been explained earlier, is not ‘Zion’. The land of Israel constitutes but a means, a part, and not a basis of Zionism. The essence of Zionism is ‘Jewish Nationalism’ . “


“THORA-JUDAISM AND THE STATE OF ISRAEL” by Uriel Zimmer  pp. 18-19

Maurosho Publications published by Congregation Kehillath Yaakov Inc. New York 5732 (1972)

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