zondag 3 maart 2024

Rabbi Yosef GREENWALD denounces the group calling itself “Zionists”

Rabbi Yosef Greenwald, Puper Rebbe, New York (1903-1984)


רבי יוסף גרינוואלד זצ"ל אב"ד ואדמו"ר מפאפא

Unfortunately, in our time, heretics rule in the Holy Land over the Jewish people, and we are not free men… Also in the Holy Land, the verse “in the place of righteousness, there is wickedness” (Ecclesiastes 3:16) has been fulfilled. For the group calling itself “Zionists” has become powerful, a group against which our rabbis of blessed memory warned us and told us to keep as far as possible from, since they are rooted in heresy



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