zondag 25 februari 2024

Talmud: “The future redemption will not be like the redemption under Ezra, through worldly decisions of rulers”

 Rabbi Yerachmiel Yishaya Mintzberg,rabbi of Likova, Russia (c. 1902)

רבי ירחמיאל ישעי מינצבערג זצ"ל ליקאווע


One must not join them in any manner, and it is proper to stay far from them and their people.

Even if His Majesty the Sultan of Turkey, or all the rulers of all the countries, decide to give permission to the people of G-d to go to their land and their inheritance, the land of their fathers, the Holy Land, as the second redemption proceeded in the time of Ezra – we say that if the redemption does not come from the Almighty Redeemer Himself, as in the Exodus from Egypt, then G-d does not desire it, and this is not the path to the true redemption, promised by the prophets. And I think all Jewish sages who have strong and unshakable faith in the Torah and tradition would say the same thing. We would not even consider such a scenario a temporary redemption or respite from exile. Its negative aspect would outweigh its positive, for the Sages of the Talmud have taught us and foretold to us that the future redemption will not be like the redemption under Ezra, through worldly decisions of rulers. (Daas Harabbonim, letter 7)


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